“Please teach me,” she said, to the whole universe,
“Teach me through the stranger I meet,
Through the birds that soar high up,
through the deep lake with its calm surface,
through the words that wise people speak.
Teach me to really feel the wind against my face,
and to listen to a beautiful melody.
Teach me through the flowers that bloom in the spring,
and the sun rising and setting everyday,
Teach me through this pain that I feel
to notice how clouds take in different forms
and to notice the glory of a star studded night sky.
Teach me how to notice all these things
for I want to connect with you and all that there is.
Teach me to savor this joy expanding
to watch the leaves of autumn fall
and the waters that flow in the streams.
Please teach me how to live and be true to myself
And above all, please teach me to love and care.”