Daily Reminders

1. Life happens now in this moment. The state that you are in is your choice. You can choose to be happy or wait for happiness.  You can hang on to the past or you can be present.

2. People can be insensitive and cruel and rude, but you love them anyway. You will be faced with disappointments and you will disappoint others. It’s the nature of life.

3. You can learn from negative experiences. Ultimately, suffering is a teacher in compassion.

4. You have to forgive and let go. Forgive others as well as yourself. Not forgiving will only weigh you down.

5. Beauty is really in the eyes of the beholder. What is beautiful to one may not be beautiful to another. When you look for what’s beautiful in a person, you will find it. When you love, everyone is considered beautiful because you no longer see with your physical eyes, but with the eyes of the spirit.

6. You can never be perfect, but knowing that you are not and that it’s okay to be imperfect leads to peace.  All you can do is do your best and get up each time you fail.

7. Being true to yourself is being true to others. The universe is in you and you are in the universe.

8. You attract what you are. Be love.  Be peace.  Be compassion.  Be confidence.  Be courage.  You become what you think about when you take the steps to get there. Positive psychology and affirmations won’t work if there is no action. You are a creator. You can make your dreams come true.

9. You will be remembered by how you treated others and not what you accumulated. When you value people and their well being over possessions, titles, social status, etc., life becomes more meaningful.

10. Enjoy life by doing the things you love doing. Have fun.  Engage in hobbies and projects that excite and energize you. If it’s boring quit doing it. If you have no interests, go find one.

11. Happiness is a matter of where you focus. How you direct your thoughts is how you direct your destiny. Focus on your goals, on the positive and on what matters in life.

12. Always be thankful.  Be thankful for food, for shelter, for health, for the people in your life, for the hurts and pains that made you stronger, etc.  Be thankful for the opportunity to create. Gratitude puts you in a position to be happy.  It puts you in a place where life appears as if it is a gift.