I no longer want and crave,
I appreciate,
for wanting afflicts the mind like a disease, in pursuit of something fleeting
like smoke
disappearing in thin air.
Life happens in this moment,
in the complicated, yet simple
and constant creating of the self
in exciting and unlimited ways.
When we stop searching,
we also start living
and this is the time
that happiness
shows itself
from within,
as it is allowed to flow
out of the heart
like an oasis
in the middle of a forgotten
dry land.
I want to be one
with everything,
with nature,
with the things I do,
with people, who sometimes
lose their way
wandering in the darkness
due to ignorance.
I do that too sometimes,
wandering around,
I know
we all struggle one way or the other.
We encounter darkness so we can return to the light.
We cry,
so that we can laugh.
We fall,
so that we can rise up.
Our hearts are pierced,
but we heal over time.
In our sorrow,
we learn to forgive
others and ourselves
so that we become clear
and fluid like water.