Looking Within



With courage
you dared to look within
to experience,
to face your inner landscape.
What’s it like to be an explorer of the inner world?
It’s exhilarating and scary at the same time.

You feel exposed
emotions come up
you see yourself as you are,
incredibly powerful
then you see
the self-doubt, the shame, the guilt, the feeling of unworthiness.

You bathe in the pool of loving kindness
washing yourself clean
and you emerge
bright, clear
engaged with the world.

You looked inside your mind,
and saw how you had been and how you were ruled by negative beliefs that kept you hiding.

So you did
a check-up to see what’s really going on inside.

You performed a heart scan
by shining the light of love.

You were humbled
as love accepted all of you,
even the not so beautiful parts.