I want to expand and make my heart a container of love,
a love so big that I overflow
to the point
that judgment disappears.
I want to see fears melted by a power
others can see through a smile and a laugh,
hear through encouraging and uplifting words
and feel through a hug.
I pray that my heart grow softer each day
and be sensitive to the needs of my brothers and sisters.
I hope to rise from selfishness,
overcome apathy and indifference,
understand the suffering of another
and offer love to those who hurt
for they are the ones who need it the most.
I pray that I may be discerning to protect my heart
and mind from those who wish to harm me
out of their ignorance.
May I walk with a clear and clean conscience
and be humble to own my wrongs
always ready to ask for forgiveness
and quick to forgive
so that I may not be swallowed up by pride.
May I remain steadfast with my love for what is good and true.
May I always consider the consequences of my actions
and stand by your law
the law of love.