In the Garden of Her Mind

Her mind is a garden full of great ideas.

The flowers of positivity, faith, love, and joy bloom there.

Her will to heal herself and others drive her every move.

The question she constantly asks is, “Is this coming from love, allowing the expression of the authentic self, driven by the will to serve and spread more joy and peace to the world?”

She clears out her mental space from fear everyday, to give room for her soul to grow and expand.

She gains inner freedom, in knowing that every moment unfolds as if it was magic, and in seeing the miracle of being alive in each moment as she fully and gratefully takes each breath.

A beautiful exchange occurs as she exhales to the world, a reminder of her oneness with all, and the relationship she has with the plant and animal kingdom and to her fellow humans, who may or may not be liberated.

This is how she sets her soul free and how she deals with those who crosses her path.

What a privilege for her to meet these beautiful humans, her mirrors, the teachers and creators that the universe had sent for her to dance along with the melody of life.